Gladiator Paintball Monthly Calendar
- This event has passed.
End Game 2021
Templars Reborn vs. Anubis Anarchy
December 5, 2021 @ 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM PST
Registration Fee $75 Early Registration before Nov 26, or $85 after Nov 26th for entire weekend + Paint
**Discounted paint fees with online registration only (see prices in check out)
Paint prices will be not be discounted during the event (preorder discount only)
Please note- Field Paint only – NO OUTSIDE PAINT, Grenades etc.
- 4:00-9:00pm Early Check in/Registration.
- Optional Dry camping for limited number of players. Must have reservations online to camp at gladiator. ($15 per player per night)
** Breakfast Burritos available Saturday and Sunday (must pre-order when you register for event)
**Mexican food- catered for on-site purchase (lunch and dinner) Saturday + beer & wine
- 08:00 am: Registration, pick up ammo, air up & chrono
- 09:30 am: Event safety and game briefing
- 10:00 am: Be on the field & game on
- 10:45 am: 30 minute break to air up, get ammo, switch sides
- 11:15 am: Be on the field & game on
- 12:00 pm: 2 hour break
- 2:00 pm: Be on field two and game on
- 2:45 pm: 30 minute break to air up, get ammo, switch sides
- 3:15 pm: Be on the field & game on
- 4:00 pm: End of day
- Optional Dry camping for limited number of players. Must have reservations online camp at Gladiator. ($15 per player per night)
Relax! enjoy the music, bonfire, axe throwing and have a beer!
- 09:00 am: Air up, chrono, load up
- 10:00 am: Be on the field & game on
- 10:45 am: 30 minute break to air up, get ammo, switch fields
- 11:15 pm: Final Battle
- 12:00 pm: Cease fire game ends
- 2:00 pm: Open Games
End Game 2021 at Gladiator Paintball Park.
10 Acres, 9 Fields
Limited ammo – 300 rounds per player may reload at CP
No Electronic Hoppers
No Speedball markers
Pump and Mechanical are allowed
Field Paint Only (Paint, smoke bombs & Grenades) No TAG Airsoft smoke or grenades
Unlimited smoke bombs
Unlimited Grenades
Gun hits count
Launchers are allowed
Chrono 280 fps
No shooting at CP’s or attacking
No contact
Due to COVID-19 all players/spectators will be temperature checked at at Registration check in. Any player or spectator with a temp greater than 100 degrees will be refunded and asked to leave the park. NO EXCEPTIONS. Face Masks and social distancing will be encouraged.
***By signing the field’s waiver, you are also consenting to these rules as stated by End Game 2020 event staff. We expect all players to maintain good personal conduct, proper sportsmanship and abide by event rules. We reserve the right to act in the interest of player safety and promote the enjoyment of the game experience. We reserve the right to eject players that violate these rules. Acts of unsportsmanlike conduct, cheating, or violation of park rules will be subject to suspension from play or ejection, at the discretion of Gladiator Paintball Park staff***
General Rules
All players must sign and submit a field waiver at check in on Friday or Saturday
You will be issued a player card, you need this at all times to insure proper access to the field. Players will have red or blue tape issued to them that they will have to wear at all times on BOTH arms. Not just on their plate carrier, no exceptions.
Players must have air tanks that are within active hydro tested dates. Expired air tanks are dangerous and not allowed (2” diameter tanks or less do not apply)
First Strike Rounds allowed. If you are using First Strike Rounds, you must chrono with FSR and will need an FSR-specific punch on your player card for morning, afternoon and night sessions of play. No bunkering allowed with FSRs; minimum engagement of 30 feet (10 yards).
Riot shields will be allowed. Shields must not exceed dimensions of 48”x 24.” Blind-firing while using shields is not permitted; players must peek out from shield when shooting and may not use the shield as a visible barrier to blind-fire from (e.g. only exposing their marker outside the side of the shield). Players may drop the shields to the ground when eliminated or return to spawn with them. Riot shield users must be armed with a pistol and no other primary weapon.
Masks must be ATSM approved; no mesh masks and goggle combos are allowed on this field. Players must wear visible, team-specific colored tape on BOTH ARMS.
Blind Fire: No blind firing is allowed. You must always place the marker at your line of sight when engaging a target. (e.g. you may not raise your marker over a cover position and fire over it).
Mouse-holing: You may not in any circumstance place your barrel through a hole (of approximately the circumference of your arm) and fire on a target. You may stand behind the hole and fire toward it, with the tip of your barrel no closer than 1’ from the hole. If mouseholed or blind fired upon, the ref may take any of the 3 actions: -One player is eliminated -Both players are eliminated -Ref will order a 10 second parlay. This is where both players have 10 seconds to turn around and move to a cover position before turning around and re-engaging.
Dead-man walks will not be allowed. Players must not pretend to be eliminated while walking through the field.
No surrender rule.
INFRACTIONS: Two infractions will sit you out for the day and you will not get a refund for your ticket.
***Physical contact, fighting and aggressive interpersonal behavior will not be tolerated. The game producers and Gladiator Paintball Park reserve the right to eject players for detrimental conduct and those ejected will not be entitled to a refund.***
Shooting over safety netting will result immediate ejection without refund. Shooting directly into Command Posts will result in immediate ejection without refund. Players may take off their masks inside Command Posts and must leave their markers outside.
Please do not shoot media personnel. If I hear from Media that you are shooting them on purpose will result in sitting out for the rest of the game
Friday and Saturday Night Games are open class and just for fun for people who would like to play.
RESPAWNS: Respawn at Command Post. When eliminated, players must RAISE THEIR HANDS/MARKERS and walk towards their dedicated Command Post. Players must wipe old hits off when respawning. Respawning from Command Posts (CPs) any time you want except the last 10 minutes of play
Ghillie suits, capes, ponchos, robes, etc. BOUNCES COUNT Wooo Hooo!! Now lets play paintball